RTA Pocket guide for tenants house and units
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Entry Condition Report
Application For Residential Tenancy

1116/477 Boundary St_Spring Hill
2 房 2 衛 1 車 | Rent $ per week (已出租 Leased)
The Johnson Apartment takes its design cues from celebrated Australian abstract artist, Michael Johnson.
This luxury boutique apartment open plan including 50 meter pool with sundeck, a gymnasium, plus conference and events facilities. The residence experience is further complimented with onsite restaurant and bar, tumbling stone, lashings of Johnson artworks, in-house art libraries and a dedicated art channel.
The master room included a space for study area, second bedroom has access to balcony
1 and 2 bedroom apartments with lockable parking garage and direct lift
Each apartment is equipped with video access control system, built-in circulation duct air conditioning, and beautiful European kitchen utensils.
Modern and stylish boutique retail shops and restaurants on the 1st floor
50m long swimming pool - MICHAEL KLIM design. There is a recreational area next to the pool, including the gym BBQ area.
50米超長游泳池——MICHAEL KLIM設計。泳池旁邊設有休閒娛樂區域,包括健身房BBQ燒烤區
This unit furnishings include:
Dishwasher, two door fridge/ freezer, Microwave, Washing Machine, Dryer, Table & Chairs, Coffee Table, 3 seater leather sofa, TV Table, Lamp, vacuum cleaner, mattress, bed frame.
Not included:
Cutlery, Crockery, cooking equipment.
Long term : $600 minimum 6 month.
short term: $750 minimum 1 month.
(4 weeks bond required)
長期租屋最少6個月 每週$ 580澳元
短期租屋最少1個月 每週$ 700澳元
Spring Hill is home to some of Australia’s very best schools and education centres, and is an easy stroll to the heart of the CBD and Central Train Station. Everything you need is within walking distance, from fresh food and supermarkets to restaurants and entertainment. This picturesque precinct is bordered by verdant public parks and spaces, including Roma
Street Parkland and Victoria Park – a spectacular 18 hole golf course on the city’s edge.
春山是澳大利亞一些最好的學校和教育中心的所在地,是一個輕鬆步行到中央商務區和中央火車站的心臟地帶。 您需要的一切都在距離步行之內,從新鮮食物和超市到餐館和娛樂場所。 這個風景如畫的區域毗鄰青翠的公園和公共空間,包括羅姆人街道公園和維多利亞公園 - 位於城市的邊緣壯觀的18洞高爾夫球場。
General Features 特色
Property Type:Apartment 物業類型:公寓
Bedrooms:1 臥室:2
Bathrooms:1 浴室:2
Bond:$1,700 保證金:$2,480
Indoor Features 室內特色
Ensuite:1 衛浴:1
Intercom 對講機
Study 讀書室
Gym 健身房
Alarm System 警報系統
Built-in Wardrobes 內置衣櫃
Dishwasher 洗碗機
Air Conditioning 空調
Outdoor Features 戶外特色
Secure Parking 安全停車位
Garage Spaces:1 車庫空間:1
Balcony 陽台
Outdoor Entertaining Area 戶外娛樂區
Fully Fenced 完全柵欄
Outside Spa 戶外溫泉
Swimming Pool - Above Ground 游泳池-地上
Allowances 津貼
Furnished 傢俱
周邊學校Surrounding school
Brisbane Girls Grammar School 布里斯班女孩語法學校--約車程0.34公里
St Joseph's College 聖約瑟夫學院--約車程0.40公里
Brisbane Central State School 布里斯班中央州立學校--約車程0.49里
Brisbane Grammar School 布里斯班語法學校--約車程0.57公里
St James College 聖詹姆斯學院--約車0.70公里
Inspection booking: message with your name, viewing time and property address to 0475-578-888
預約檢查:請留訊息至 0475-578-888 ,留的內容包括 你的姓名,看房時間和物業地址
聯絡人:Justin Tseng
TEL:(AU)+61 475 578 888
E-MAIL: justin.tseng@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID:justin0475578888
WECHAT ID:justin0475578888
聯絡人:Fang Ju Lin
TEL:(AU)+61 412 720 036
E-MAIL: jewel@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID: jewel930
WECHAT ID: jewel0088