12/46 Clover Hill Dr_Mudgeeraba
4 房 2 衛 2車 Townhouse| Rent $ per week (已出租 Leased)
The true charm of life at Clover Hill Terraces at Mudgeeraba is best discovered when considering this intimate collection of contemporary town homes within its beautifully landscaped environment. This exclusive release comprises 56 residences that incorporates picturesque views of the Gold Coast Hinterland and neighbouring iconic foundations, and positioned only moments from the Robina CBD.
Mudgeeraba區的Clover Hill Terraces的真正魅力是在其美麗的園景環境中注意發現到這個最好隱密的當代城鎮住宅。 這個獨家發布包括56個住宅,包括黃金海岸腹地和鄰近的標誌性地基的風景如畫的景色,距離羅賓納中央商務區僅幾步之遙。
Located in the heart of the Gold Coast, Clover Hill Terraces is close to sports fields, parks and the world famous Gold Coast beaches. Enjoy the convenient location of Clover Hill Terraces, where the landscaped trails will take you to its location - shopping, dining, entertainment, schools, hospitals, transportation, golf courses and more.
Clover Hill Terraces酒店位於黃金海岸市中心,靠近運動場,公園和世界著名的黃金海岸海灘。享受位置便利的Clover Hill Terraces,那裡的園景小徑將帶您前往其所在地 - 購物,餐飲,娛樂,學校,醫院,交通,高爾夫球場等。
Clover Hill Terraces pays tribute to the heritage of this unique area, with a brick-and-branched design and elegant views. The interior features a polished chrome faucet and lighting design with engineered white stone that counteracts the vast porcelain floor, light-filled living space and designer features and accessories.
Clover Hill Terraces酒店向這個獨特區域的遺產致敬,外觀採用磚砌花邊設計,擁有雅緻的景觀。內部採用拋光鍍鉻水龍頭和照明設計,配以工程白色石材,可以抵消廣闊的瓷器地板,光線充足的生活空間以及設計師的特色和配件。
Property features:
* 4 bedroom included 1 Ensuite & 1 separate bathroom & 1 separate toilet
Down stairs:
* Opening Living area, dinning and kitchen.
* Gas cook top, oven, storage room.
* Separate toilet.
* Remote single garage.
* 1 Open carport.
* Central air conditioning.
* Backyard with mountain view and Sunset view.
Our motto “Expect excellence” is a constant reminder that achieving our potential comes down to each of us doing the best that we can on a daily basis and constantly improving our own skills as lifelong learners.
Our purpose is “to engage – challenge – connect and inspire lifelong learning” and we ask that all students and families embrace this challenge by reflecting on your role within our school community. In partnership with parents and our wider school community, Clover Hill State School strives to provide students with access to a high quality education that equips them with knowledge, skills and attributes necessary for their future and which enables them to participate in, contribute to and connect to cultures and knowledge of the world.
At Clover Hill State School we have an ‘excellent’ reputation for offering quality educational programs that cater to students’ learning needs and we also pride ourselves on providing a safe and supportive environment. We do this by setting high expectations, high standards and expecting ‘Excellence’.
我們的目標是“參與 - 挑戰 - 聯繫並激發終身學習”,我們要求所有學生和家庭通過反思您在學校社區中的角色來接受這一挑戰。與家長和更廣泛的學校社區合作,Clover Hill州立學校致力於為學生提供高質量的教育,使他們具備未來所需的知識,技能和屬性,使他們能夠參與,貢獻和聯繫對文化和世界的了解。
在Clover Hill州立學校,我們在提供滿足學生學習需求的優質教育課程方面享有“優秀”的聲譽,我們也為提供安全和支持性的環境而感到自豪。我們通過設定高期望,高標準和期待“卓越”來實現這一目標。
~~ Please message us on 0412720036 to book your inspection ~~
Property features:物業特點:
Air conditioning 空調
Built-in wardrobes 內置衣櫃
Remote garage 遙控車庫
Toilets: 1 對講機
Dishwasher 洗碗機
Pets allowed 可帶寵物
Ensuites: 1 衛浴間:1
Garage spaces: 1 車庫空間:1
Carport spaces: 1 車位:1
Fully fenced 全面圍欄
Outdoor entertaining area 戶外娛樂區
Swimming pool - in-ground 游泳池-地下
Nearby schools & child care:
▶Clover Hill State School——0.27km
▶King's Christian College——1.80km
▶Mudgeeraba Special School——2.25km
▶Hillcrest Christian College——2.29km
▶Australian Industry Trade College——1.53km
▶Robina State High School——2.28km
▶Bluebird Early Education Robina——2.10km
▶Sunkids Childrens Centre - Scottsdale——1.61km
▶Goodstart Early Learning Mudgeeraba——0.43km
▶Sunkids Childrens Centre Robina——1.43km
Agent:Fang Ju Lin
Contact : (AU) +61 7 3839 8528 (Brisbane)
Contact : (AU) +61 7 5532 8900 (Gold Coast)
TEL : (AU)+ 61 412 720 036
E-MAIL : jewel@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID : jewel930

RTA Pocket guide for tenants house and units
Trust Account
Entry Condition Report
Application For Residential Tenancy