1403/25 Bouquent St_South Brisbane
1 房 1 衛 1 車 | Rent $ per week (已出租 Leased)
This unit is locating on the top level of the building at level 14.
South Bank is Brisbane’s premier lifestyle and cultural destination. Located on the southern banks of the Brisbane River, its 17 hectares of lush parklands, world-class eateries, stunning river views and hundreds of delightful events all year round make it the perfect place to relax and unwind.
Stunning city views and a rooftop outdoor pool, sky rooftop bbq area with viewing 360 degree Brisbane River views.
Only 800m walk to Brisbane Exhibition Centre, art centre, outdoor public swimming pool, coffee shops, bar and cinema.
10 minutes walk to train station and CBD.
South Bank Parklands︱布里斯本的完美後花園。
布里斯本為澳洲第三大城,大多數人對於城市的印象都是高樓大廈林立、擁擠而緊張的步調與環境等等,而這些既定印象,在布里斯本這個河岸城市可不適用!在市中心裡躺在海灘上,享受城市美景,騎腳踏車、河岸旁散步、BBQ、野餐、搭乘渡輪等等,南岸公園(South Bank Parklands)就是一個位在布里斯本市中心、占地達17公頃、且能滿足上面所有休閒娛樂的必遊景點!根據官方資料統計,每年有約11,000,000 人次的旅客到達這裡,簡單來說,來到了布里斯本,這可是個絕對不能錯過的大熱門旅遊地點!
漫步或騎自行車探索布里斯本河(Brisbane River)南岸(South Bank),一邊輕鬆地運動,一邊欣賞城市最美的風景。 此地以其五花八門的休閒和娛樂活動著名,南岸(South Bank)擁有 17 公頃的公園綠地、餐廳、咖啡館、酒吧、精品店,以及博物館和藝廊。 想從有趣的視角看這座城市,就一定要搭乘布里斯本摩天輪(Wheel of Brisbane)。
Property Features:
- 1.5 years age building.
- 20 m2 hugh balcony for more space to out door entertainment.
- Ensuite to bathroom and walking robe.
- Study area.
- Internal size 56 m2+ balcony 20 m2 = 76m2
- 1.5年的建築。
- 20平方米的休閒陽台為更多空間進行戶外娛樂。
- 套間浴室和走入式更衣間。
- 學習區域。
- 內部面積56平方米+陽台20平方米= 76平方米
- Inspection only accept by message only, please text us your name and time to booking your inspection -
General Features 特色
Property Type: Unit 物業類型:單元房
Bedrooms: 1 臥室:1
Bathrooms: 1 浴室:1
Indoor Features 室內特色
Ensuite:1 套間:1
Study 讀書房
Gym 健身房
Alarm System 警報系統
Intercom 對講
Dishwasher 洗碗機
Built-in Wardrobes 內置式衣櫃
Air Conditioning 空調
Outdoor Features 室外特色
Secure Parking 安全停車處
Garage Spaces: 1 車庫空間: 1
Outdoor Entertaining Area 戶外娛樂區
Balcony 陽台
Swimming Pool -Inground 游泳池 - 地面
Pet Friendly 可攜帶寵物
Surrounding school 周邊學校
Albert Park Flexible Learning Centre----車程約8分鐘
West End State School----車程約4分鐘
Hubbard's School----車程約7分鐘
Brisbane State High School----車程約3分鐘
Petrie Terrace State School----車程約9分鐘
Brisbane Grammar School----車程約6分鐘
Milton State School----車程約10分鐘
Mater Hospital Special School---車程約5分鐘
Brisbane Girls Grammar School---車程約8分鐘
Agent 連絡人:曾信傑(Justin Tseng)
TEL:(AU)+61 475 578 888
E-MAIL: justin.tseng@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID:justin0475578888
WECHAT ID: justin0475578888
Agent 連絡人:林芳如(Fang Ju Lin)
TEL:(AU)+61 412 720 036
E-MAIL: jewel@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID: jewel930
WECHAT ID: jewel0088
RTA Pocket guide for tenants house and units
Trust Account
Entry Condition Report
Application For Residential Tenancy