Designed to offer its residents the ultimate in terms of lifestyle,location and finishes, Brisbane Casino Towers exemplifies the spirit of innovation and adventure that characterises Brisbane’s ongoing evolution. Located on Hope Street, South Brisbane, just a short walk from the heart of the CBD, Brisbane Casino Towers is truly an address worthy of its place in the limelight.
From the moment you arrive at Brisbane Casino Towers, it’s hard to ignore the tower’s air of prosperity and success. Continue on through the illuminated entry and you are greeted by a flawlessly designed, 5 star lobby. With accents of neutral tones and sleek modern lines, Brisbane Casino Towers impresses upon all who enter that this is the future of inner city living.
Upgrade your lifestyle to fabulous, with amazing city views, it feels you can just reach out and touch the city skyline. Relax on the terrace and take it in your near new 2 bedroom apartment, in a spectacular building. The pool, sauna and spa give a luxury feel of a 5 Star hotel.
Brisbane Casino Towers features the following amenities :
- 25m heated pool
- private sauna
- private gym/yoga area
- residents entertaining pods
- residents recreational BBQ area and surrounding gardens
One bedroom, One bathroom, One Carpark.
River view and mountain view.
Available soon from 18/09/2019.
Please text your name and your prefer viewing time to our inspection agent, you will received confirmation for booking your viewing in 24 hours.Health Nurse and Chaplain.
South Brisbane介紹
南布里斯本(South Brisbane)這處市內郊區,在近年重建之後,成為布里斯本最熱門的地區之一。
此處曾充滿倉庫、工廠,以及碼頭,南布里斯本(South Brisbane)經歷了令人難以置信的蛻變,在 1988 年,此地從廢棄的布里斯本河畔工業區,搖身一變成為世博會場地。
現在這裡充滿了時尚商店、時髦的紅酒吧、優質旅館、國際化的咖啡館,以及餐廳。 南布里斯本(South Brisbane)位在南岸,是這座城市首屈一指的休閒娛樂地區。 在南岸,您可在僻靜的人工海灘水域游泳,享受壯麗的景色以及美麗的公園,讓各式各樣的美味餐點犒賞您的味蕾,欣賞戲劇、芭蕾、歌劇、音樂會,或是藝術展覽。
許多美麗的老建築,仍舊點綴著南布里斯本(South Brisbane)的風景。 聖安德魯斯聖公會教堂(Saint Andrew's Anglican Church)及舊市政府商會,都是值得一探之處,還有許多古老的酒吧,經過了時間考驗,形成了特有率性的風格。
布里斯本會議中心(Brisbane Convention Centre)也位在南布里斯本(South Brisbane)。 這座大型的會議中心定期舉辦表演、慈善舞會、晚宴、研討會、喜劇表演,以及知名樂團的演唱會。
從布里斯本市中心搭乘渡輪,跨越布里斯本河,或駕車兩分鐘,即可抵達南布里斯本(South Brisbane)。
General Features 一般特色
Property Type: Unit 物業類型:單元房
Bedrooms: 1 臥室:1
Bathrooms: 1 浴室:1
Indoor Features 室內特色
Air Conditioning 空調
Alarm System 警報系統
Dishwasher 洗碗機
Built-in Wardrobes 內置衣櫃
Gym 健身房
Intercom 對講機
Outdoor Features 室外特色
Garage Spaces 車庫空間
Open Car Spaces: 1 開放車位:1
Balcony 陽台
Swimming Pool - Above Ground 游泳池 - 地上
周邊學校 Surrounding school
Albert Park Flexible Learning Centre--約車程0.80km
Brisbane State High School--約車程0.96km
West End State School--約車程1.17km
Brisbane Grammar School--約車程1.39km
Mater Hospital Special School--約車程1.44km
Petrie Terrace State School--約車程1.46km
Agent 連絡人:曾信傑(Justin Tseng)
TEL:(AU)+61 475 578 888
E-MAIL: justin.tseng@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID:justin0475578888
WECHAT ID: justin0475578888
Agent 連絡人:林芳如(Fang Ju Lin)
TEL:(AU)+61 412 720 036
E-MAIL: jewel@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID: jewel930
WECHAT ID: jewel0088
1 房 1 衛 1 車 | Rent $ per week (已出租 Leased)
2301/19 Hope Street_South Brisbane
RTA Pocket guide for tenants house and units
Trust Account
Entry Condition Report
Application For Residential Tenancy