68 Montivideo drive_Clear Island Waters, Qld 4226
5 房 3 衛 6車 House| Rent $ 2,500 Per week Bond $10,000
This is prime 31.2m wide waterfrontage allowing fantastic views with privacy from your neighbours.
This is one of Clear Island Waters large homes, architect designed 6 bedrooms plus media room and only 11 years old
Featuring a modern design with grand spaces and a breathtaking outlook, this gorgeous home occupies a prime 1,069m2 allotment especially selected for its size and wide water views.
This two storey mansion has four separate living areas plus the media room, stunning generous bathrooms with square set cornice, a commercial gym occupies one living area, while the other three living areas, two downstairs and one upstairs separate the formal from informal.
A modern Caesarstone kitchen with butlers pantry and stainless steel appliances, centre the home, a huge outdoor entertaining area included children play ground.
* Two levels of generous living
* Master suite with a dressing room the size of a bedroom
* Twin vanity ensuite with huge spa with TV
* Floating pontoon
* Modern stainless steel kitchen and butlers pantry
* State of the art smart lighting (Dynalite)
* Additional gazebo area
* Ducted vacuum system, laundry chute
* Fully tiled pool with waterfall
* Extensive timber decking
* Fully ducted reverse cycle air-conditioning
* 3 garage and 3 open space carpark.
* 31mtrs of wide water frontage
* 兩層寬敞的生活
* 主臥套房,帶臥室大小的更衣室
* 雙梳妝台套間,帶電視的巨大水療中心
* 浮動浮橋
* 現代不銹鋼廚房和管家廚房
* 最先進的智能照明 (Dynalite)
* 附加涼亭區
* 管道真空系統、洗衣槽
* 帶瀑布的全瓷磚游泳池
* 寬闊的木質甲板
* 全管道逆循環空調
* 3 個車庫和 3 個露天停車場。
* 31mtrs 寬闊的臨水區
Clear Island Waters, an upmarket residential suburb on the Gold Coast, is immediately west of Mermaid Waters, north of Robina and south-west of Surfers Paradise. It was named after a rural track, Clear Island Road, which ran from Merrimac and turned north through Mermaid Waters to Miami Keys. The transformation of the rural wetlands to canal estates in the early 1990s has obliterated most of the track, and the surviving section in the west has been renamed Boowaggan Road, Merrimac.
Clear Island Road crossed Boobegan Creek, much of which has been incorporated into Clear Island Waters. Near the creek's mouth there is a lock to control the suburb's water level. In addition to the water control device, land access is controlled by gates to some of the localities, the Isle of Istana being a notable example. Exclusivity is further enhanced by localities being separately named, Island Quays, Rhode Island and Santa Cruz. The northern part of Clear Island Waters is on land that stood apart from the original rural wetland. It was the site of the Surfers Paradise Golf Club (1968), built on a landholding owned by Bruce Small and named Cypress Gardens. The Club kept itself financially afloat in the late 1970s by building high rise accommodation and a tennis centre. The Cypress Gardens retirement centre and the St Vincent's Catholic primary school (1986) are contemporaneous with Clear Island Waters. They adjoin in the Merrimac Golf Course and the Surfers Paradise Golf Club.
Schools - St Vincents Catholic Primary School is the only school in Clear Island Waters, located in the far northeast of the suburb. Secondary schools are located in adjoining suburbs in Mermaid Waters, Robina, Merrimac, and Carrara.
There is local shopping near the school and larger retail areas at the Q Super Centre, Mermaid Waters, and at Robina Town Centre.
Clear Island Waters 是黃金海岸的一個高檔住宅區,緊鄰 Mermaid Waters 以西、Robina 以北和衝浪者天堂的西南。它以一條鄉村小徑 Clear Island Road 命名,這條小徑從 Merrimac 向北穿過 Mermaid Waters 到達 Miami Keys。1990 年代初期,農村濕地改建為運河莊園,大部分軌道已被抹去,西部倖存的部分已更名為梅里馬克的布瓦根路。
Clear Island Road 穿過 Boobegan Creek,其中大部分已併入 Clear Island Waters。在小溪口附近有一個控制郊區水位的鎖。除了水控制裝置外,一些地方的土地通道還由大門控制,伊斯塔納島就是一個顯著的例子。分別命名島嶼碼頭、羅德島和聖克魯斯的地方進一步增強了排他性。Clear Island Waters 的北部位於與原始鄉村濕地不同的土地上。它是衝浪者天堂高爾夫俱樂部(1968 年)的所在地,建在布魯斯·斯莫爾(Bruce Small)擁有的土地上,名為賽普拉斯花園(Cypress Gardens)。俱樂部在 1970 年代後期通過建造高層住宿和網球中心來維持財務狀況。賽普拉斯花園退休中心和聖文森特 s 天主教小學 (1986) 與 Clear Island Waters 同期。他們毗鄰梅里馬克高爾夫球場和衝浪者天堂高爾夫俱樂部。
學校 - 聖文森特天主教小學是克利爾島水域唯一的學校,位於郊區的最東北部。 中學位於 Mermaid Waters、Robina、Merrimac 和 Carrara 的毗鄰郊區。學校 - 聖文森特天主教小學是克利爾島水域唯一的學校,位於郊區的最東北部。 中學位於 Mermaid Waters、Robina、Merrimac 和 Carrara 的毗鄰郊區。
學校附近有當地購物場所,Q Super Centre、Mermaid Waters 和 Robina Town Centre 有較大的零售區。
~~ Please message us on 0412720036 to book your inspection ~~
Property features 物業特點:
Air conditioning 空調
Built-in wardrobes 內置衣櫃
Remote garage 遙控車庫
Toilets: 2 廁所:2
Dishwasher 洗碗機
Deck 甲板
Ensuites: 1 衛浴間:1
Garage spaces: 3 車庫空間:3
Open car spaces: 3 開放車位:3
Fully fenced 全面圍欄
Workshop 作坊
Outdoor entertaining area 戶外娛樂區
Swimming pool - in-ground 游泳池-地下
Nearby schools & child care:
▶St Vincent's Primary School——1.24km
▶Merrimac State School——1.51km
▶Star of the Sea School——2.52km
▶Queensland Independent College——2.65km
▶Kool Kids Early Learning Centre - Clear Island Waters——1.25km
▶Kool Kids Early Learning Centre - Mermaid Waters——2.30km
▶YMCA Merrimac Outside School Hours Care——1.51km
▶Fuji International Kindergarten——1.64km
▶Community Kids Broadbeach Waters Early Education Centre——2.69km
Agent:Fang Ju Lin
Contact : (AU) +61 7 3839 8528 (Brisbane)
Contact : (AU) +61 7 5532 8900 (Gold Coast)
TEL : (AU)+ 61 412 720 036
E-MAIL : jewel@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID : jewel930

RTA Pocket guide for tenants house and units
Trust Account
Entry Condition Report
Application For Residential Tenancy