
1~3 房 1~2 衛 公寓 | AU $399,000起
Surfers Paradise
Ocean毗鄰公共交通和周邊名勝,生活非常便捷。在此入住,您可以輕鬆地前往周邊或遠方的眾多風景名勝之地;輕軌線路每7到15分鐘一班,不僅接駁特快列車以及國際機場,還可連通布里斯班與拜倫灣(Byron Bay) 等更遠的目的地。
Stylishly conceived interiors complement the carefully planned spaces, drawing on a palette of beautiful materials and finishes to create a harmonious, welcoming environment with a distinct coastal flavour.
1~3 房 1~3 衛+ Penthouse 公寓 | AU $570,000起
Naia encompasses a collection of beautifully appointed oversized one, two and three bedroom apartments and two outstanding penthouses, all with generous alfresco entertaining spaces. They gaze out over the spectacle of Surfers Paradise and the canals, with residences from level 11 upwards capturing breathtaking panoramic ocean views.
1~3 房 1~3 衛 + 車庫 公寓 | 起售價 AU $475,000
Signature Broadbeach is a collection of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom residences, beautifully considered by award-winning design team Rothelowman and SJB Interiors.Set across 35 levels, each of the 263 apartments offer a rare experience combining unsurpassed location, unrivalled amenity and impeccable design.Each apartment is orientated towards the ocean to capture the spectacular ocean views.
Signature Broadbeach擁有1,2和3間臥室的住宅,由獲獎的設計團隊Rothelowman和SJB室內設計師精心研究。在35樓層面上,有263間公寓都提供難得的體驗,無與倫比的地理位置,無與倫比的設施和無可挑剔的設計 每間公寓都朝向海洋,捕捉壯觀的海景。
2房+Penthouse可選+車位 市中心公寓 | 起售價 AU $ 599,900
In the heart of sophisticated Broadbeach, is beach living, city style. Only 250m to the beach, Apartment is a boutique collection of 99 beachside apartments over 31 storeys. Comprising 2 bedroom apartments and half floor 3 bedroom sub-penthouses, maximum of 4 residences per floor. All residences have car parking.
位在尖端的Broadbeach的心臟地帶,生活在海邊,城市風格。 公寓海灘距離海灘只有250米,是一個超過31層樓的99間海濱公寓的精品店。 包括2間臥室的公寓和3間臥室的樓頂房屋,每層最多4個住宅。 所有住宅都設有停車場。
1~3房可選+車位 市中心公寓 | 起售價 AU $ 356,000
Cambridge County covers an area of 22,000 square meters, a total of 4 a total of 386 sets of hardcover apartment, in Australia is a large urban apartment project, Cambridge County, the size of the area of 75 to 150 square meters, a total of one room, two rooms and three rooms, Is to have a large balcony, not only at any time bathed in Australia, praise the sun and the air, more overlooking the sea view and downstairs golf green view, each household is equipped with 1-2 parking spaces.
1 - 2 +讀書房可選+車位 | 起售價 AU $467,000
This Project Located at the heart of Gold Coast, Star hotel and casino is the premier entertainment destination to the residents and tourists.
The masterplan will consist of 5 residential towers, combining the sophisticated world class hotel, 24-hour casino, luxury retail stores, entertaining area, which bring people a unique urban lifestyle>A short walk to Pacific Fair shopping center, Convention and Exhibition Center and of course the beach.
這個開發綜合度假村位於黃金海岸的市中心有5星級酒店和賭場,是居民和遊客的首選娛樂目的地。總體規劃將包括5棟住宅樓,結合了精緻的世界級酒店,24小時賭場,豪華零售店,娛樂區,為人們帶來獨特的城市生活方式。步行不遠即可抵達Pacific Fair購物中心,會展中心,當然還有海灘。
Jewel Tower
1 - 4 房可選 | 起售價 AU $674,000
Jewel represents the quintessential Australian experience- fresh air, blue skies, endless golden-sand beaches and a dynamic cosmopolitan culture.The architecture, the residences, and the extraordinary coastal pleasures that flow from Jewel's doorstep are seamlessly in tune. Jewel is the first of its kind in Australia - a five-star residential and hotel development where the developer holds a vested interest in its future.Your world above is luxuriously private while world class hotel and residents-only resort amenities sprawl across a truly breathtaking site.珠寶三塔擁有您能够想像的澳洲所有精髓-純淨的空氣、湛藍的天空、無邊的金色沙灘和動感的都市文化。建築、居所和超凡的海濱風情,從步出家門的那一刻,完美和諧地呈現在您面前!珠寶三塔是澳洲首個五星級住宅項目與開發商所持有的奢華度假酒店相結合的綜合開發項目。在這裏,您所擁有的不僅是私密與奢華,更可隨時享用專屬的世界級酒店及業主專用度假休閑設施。

1 - 3 房可選 ~ Penthouse 頂層豪華公寓 | 起售價 AU $499,000
傲人呈現毗鄰皇家松林碼頭 (Royal Pines Marina) 的優雅雙塔住宅開發項目 - 總規劃 110 套豪華公寓和頂層公寓,傾心打造活力非凡的 全新餐飲和休閒娛樂區。建案受到古典建築儀式美學的啟發而打造出兩座優雅的塔樓,並精心規劃了 110 套帶有兩房和三房格局的公寓和頂層公寓,分佈於 6 個樓層。建案奢華的生活空間以舒適、雅緻作為特色。除了採用高天花、落地窗和開放式設計讓室內以開闊的視野與壯麗的景緻接軌,同時透過考慮周全的光源佈置、高檔的內裝配件和精緻的裝修營塑出極致奢華的居家面貌。完美的景觀花園為設在碼頭岸上充滿活力的新咖啡館、零售商店和休閒娛樂區增色不少。

Surfers Paradise
1 - 3 房可選 ~ Penthouse 頂層豪華公寓 | 起售價 AU $450,000

Varsity Lake
2 - 3 房可選 | 起售價 AU $399,000
奧爾湖畔濱水建築藝術融合諸多時髦設計元素。作為一個高品質的開發項目,度假式住宅的公共設施包括全套健身設備、游泳池、溫泉浴池和桑拿,居民燒烤亭和熱帶植物花園,室內高爾夫球模擬練習器和居民電影院。位於Varsity Lakes黃金地段,可步行到邦德大學、餐館、咖啡店、酒館和商業廣場生活區的購物中心,以及Varsity中央商業區、醫療中心和區域學校。距離Burleigh Heads海灘僅數分鐘車程,五分鐘可達Robina購物商場、太平洋高速公路和火車站。每個住宅皆經過深思熟慮的規劃,居住功能均可淋漓盡致得以發揮為設計理念,無論是廚房電器、空調系統、安全語音對講系統還是浴室潔具,其質量和設計都是極其卓越的。

Surfers Paradise
1 - 3 房可選 | 起售價 AU $553,000