5114/222 Margaret Street_Brisbane City
2 房 2 衛 1 車 | Rent $ per week (已出租 Leased)
Brand New Top of the Brisbane - Sky Tower level 51
Experience one of the most captivating aspects of Brisbane CBD from this spectacular apartment located over 51 floors high in the Sky Tower award winning apartment. Positioned in the heart of the city this architectural master piece is surrounded by fantastic shops and restaurants as well as being extremely close to stations, and the heart of the CBD.
從這壯觀的公寓位於51層樓高的天空塔屢獲殊榮的公寓, 體驗布里斯班 CBD 最迷人的方面之一。坐落在城市的心臟這座建築大師周圍是夢幻般的商店和餐館, 以及非常接近車站和 CBD 的心臟。
The brand new Brisbane Sky tower is located in the middle of Brisbane’s CBD and offers a new superior product for everyone visiting Brisbane, whether for a holiday, or that all important corporate function.
全新的布里斯班Sky tower位於布里斯班中央商務區中心,為所有訪問布里斯班的人提供全新的優質產品,無論是度假還是所有重要的企業功能。
Just a short walk from the building are some of Brisbane’s best restaurants, gardens/parklands and entertainment districts. Just a five minute walk down the road from Brisbane Sky tower is the heritage listed City Botanical Gardens, with stunning nature walks and beautiful scenery. While immersed in the tranquil beauty of these gardens you can easily forget you are just minutes from the City Centre.
酒店距離布里斯班一些最好的餐廳,花園/公園和娛樂區僅幾步之遙。從布里斯班Sky tower步行5分鐘即可到達城市植物園,這裡有令人驚嘆的自然步道和美麗的風景。沉浸在這些花園寧靜的美景中,您可以輕鬆忘記距離市中心僅數分鐘路程。
If you are looking for something to do after dinner you have the buzzing entertainment hub that is the Southbank parklands, located right on the Brisbane River. There is plenty to keep you busy with a wide range of bars, pubs, night markets and entertainment such as the Queensland Performing Arts Centre, Gallery of Modern Art, Science Centre and Wheel of Brisbane.
For those shopping enthusiasts, Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall and the Winter garden is only a short 10 minute walk from Brisbane Skyt ower. With all the designer and retail stores you know and love in one convenient location, there is sure to be something for everyone.
對於那些購物愛好者,布里斯班的皇后街購物中心和冬季花園距離Brisbane Sky tower酒店僅有短短的10分鐘步行路程。在一個方便的位置,您知道並喜愛的所有設計師和零售店,肯定會有適合每個人的東西。
Features include :
Two bedrooms, both with built- in robes
Incredible views over the city, Botanic Garden and river
Italy branding kitchen appliance and gas stove
Internal laundry and ducted air conditioning
Indoor lap pool, gym, sauna & steam room
Single car space, 24 hour concierge + more
5 Star apartment tallest apartment in Brisbane City
No for pets and smoker.
Level 51 residence available to use Down town and upper town facilities.
-- Inspection by booking only, Please text us message your name to organise your viewing --
兩間臥室, 均配有內置式衣櫃
室內泳池、健身房、桑拿 & 蒸汽室
單人車位, 24 小時禮賓服服 + 更多
在布里斯班最高的公寓 5 星級公寓
51 層住宅可用於市區及鄉鎮設施。
-- Short term minimum 4 weeks $750 per week. --
-- Long term minimum 6 months $650 per week --
-- Bond required 4 weeks of rent. --
-短期租屋至少4週 每週$ 750澳元。-
-長期租屋最低6個月 每週$ 650澳元-
General Features 特色
Property Type : Unit 物業類型:單元房
Bedrooms :1 臥室:2
Bathrooms :1 浴室:2
Bond : $1,400 訂金:$3,600
Indoor Features 室內特色
Ensuite:1 套房:1
Alarm System 警報系統
Study 讀書房
Intercom 對講機
Built-in Wardrobes 內置式衣櫃
Dishwasher 洗碗機
Air Conditioning 空調
Gym 健身房
Living Areas:105 生活區:105
Outdoor Features 戶外特色
Remote Garage 遙控車庫
Secure Parking 安全停車
Garage Spaces :1 車庫空間:1
Outside Spa 室外溫泉
Swimming Pool - Inground 游泳池-地下
Mater Hospital Special School--約車程11分鐘
Brisbane Central State School---約車程9分鐘
Brisbane State High School---約車程10分鐘
St Joseph's Primary School--約車程12分鐘
Agent 聯絡人:曾信傑(Justin Tseng)
TEL:(AU)+61 475 578 888
E-MAIL: justin.tseng@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID:justin0475578888
WECHAT ID: justin0475578888
Agent 聯絡人:林芳如 (Fang Ju Lin)
TEL:(AU)+61 412 720 036
E-MAIL: jewel@pacificrealty.com.au
LINE ID: jewel930
WECHAT ID: jewel0088
RTA Pocket guide for tenants house and units
Trust Account
Entry Condition Report
Application For Residential Tenancy